What was popular in December? There sure was a lot to talk about. MasterCard
Here are the five most popular posts from last month:
- MasterCard’s Got Its Flippy-Floppies. OK guys, I’m not picking on them. Seriously. It’s just been a newsworthy year from MasterCard. This was a hot topic for companies faced with PCI DSS, including the multitude of new QSAs that started based on their original announcement.
- The Book, It’s Out Baby! See! I wasn’t kidding when I said I was working on a book with Anton Chuvakin. It’s finally out, and we’re really proud of it! Click the link above to figure out how you could win a $30 Amazon.com gift card!
- Hackers Love Social Media. Social media hacking is not new stuff, but as with anything that grows rapidly with a wide reach, you will end up with more attention as more hacks occur and reach more targets.
- Consider Outsourcing Cashless Payments. I’ve been known to go on this rant before. After working with many global retailers over the last several years, I keep asking myself why more and more have not completely outsourced certain parts of their information technology domain.
- Cracking as a Service (CaaS)? Want to hack your neighbor’s WPA encrypted Wi-Fi network? It just got a whole lot simpler.
Thanks for stopping by, San Diego!
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