Stay Classy, San Diego!

Stay Classy, San Diego!

What was popular in December? There sure was a lot to talk about.  MasterCard

Here are the five most popular posts from last month:

  1. MasterCard’s Got Its Flippy-Floppies. OK guys, I’m not picking on them.  Seriously.  It’s just been a newsworthy year from MasterCard.  This was a hot topic for companies faced with PCI DSS, including the multitude of new QSAs that started based on their original announcement.
  2. The Book, It’s Out Baby! See!  I wasn’t kidding when I said I was working on a book with Anton Chuvakin.  It’s finally out, and we’re really proud of it!  Click the link above to figure out how you could win a $30 gift card!
  3. Hackers Love Social Media. Social media hacking is not new stuff, but as with anything that grows rapidly with a wide reach, you will end up with more attention as more hacks occur and reach more targets.
  4. Consider Outsourcing Cashless Payments. I’ve been known to go on this rant before.  After working with many global retailers over the last several years, I keep asking myself why more and more have not completely outsourced certain parts of their information technology domain.
  5. Cracking as a Service (CaaS)? Want to hack your neighbor’s WPA encrypted Wi-Fi network?  It just got a whole lot simpler.

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego!

This post originally appeared on

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