Stay Classy, San Diego!

Stay Classy, San Diego!

What was popular in September? Well, we certainly couldn’t get enough of the new iPhone (and by the way, I think Samsung’s commercials are ABSOLUTELY GENIUS!). We enjoyed cooler weather for all, and a fantastic Oktoberfest. We had the PCI North American Community Meeting kick off a whole new round of discussions on everything that is right (and wrong) with PCI DSS. Oh yeah, and good ol’ Brando forgot to renew the domain, so the site was down for a couple of days. It’s back up now, so we can all rejoice and be glad.

Here are the five most popular posts from the last month:

  1. PCI DSS Feedback 2012. The Council released some highlights from the feedback process including a list of specific feedback items that occurred as common themes among the responses. Check them out, with some thoughts from me on what they mean to you.
  2. The Definition of Cardholder Data. Man, here’s another oldie but goodie for the second month in a row. It’s still on people’s minds, probably because they are looking for ways to drop systems out of scope of PCI DSS. It’s not quite that simple, but this is a good benchmark for you.
  3. The Only Customer Service Script you will Ever Need. Man, I hope some folks in the customer service area had a chance to stumble upon this one. I’ve noticed that the economy is getting better because customer service is getting worse (one of the few non-economic indicators I use). Check this post out to see the only thing you need for customer service professionals.
  4. PCI Hacks Going Global. No, this isn’t really news, but it’s been in the top five for two months now! We know this is not something limited to the US. But here’s a real life example of how those top five PCI DSS mistakes actually do lead to a breach—this time, in Australia to the tune of 500K cards.
  5. RSA Announces Advanced Cyber Defense Service. This month, in conjunction with our Advanced Threat Summit in DC, we announced an Advanced Cyber Defense Service. This is something that you will want to consider as you mature your program to deal with the types of threats we see today.

Thanks for stopping by!

This post originally appeared on

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