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January 2015 Roundup standard

January is gone and football is over. There have not been too many posts around here to speak of, but it’s a new year! I will have good news soon, so stay tuned! Don’t forget, the latest edition of our book finally hit the shelves. Thanks for sending pictures of you with your new books! If you need to order your copy, head over to the website at Here’s what you folks liked the most last month: The Only Customer Service Script You Will Ever Need. It’s the holidays, and possibly the time when we encounter trouble with transactions the most. Thus, more people inquiring about customer service! Check out this diversion from security that will make you think ...

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November 2014 Roundup standard

November was a light month around here, and for good reason. I touched three continents and we took the kids to Disney. Then came the holidays and there was just too much going on to blog! That said, the show must go on! The latest edition of our book finally hit the shelves. Thanks for sending pictures of you with your new books! If you need to order your copy, head over to the website at Here’s what you folks liked the most last month: The Only Customer Service Script You Will Ever Need. The economy is humming along quite nicely. How do we know? Because people are getting poor customer service and reading posts like this one. Is ...

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October 2014 Roundup standard

October is one of my favorite months of the year. The leaves are turning, the heat subsides, we spend more time outside, and of course, Pumpkin EVERYTHING. Last month was the ETA Leadership Forum, PCI Berlin, and the DevOps Enterprise show. Apple Pay is here! Ironically enough, I’ve only been able to use it once, and it didn’t work. One thing I do like is the push alerts for my Amex. I’m hoping to have more on Apple Pay in the coming weeks, and look for a critical assessment of CurrentC (MCX) this week. Here’s what you folks liked the most last month: The Only Customer Service Script You Will Ever Need. The economy is humming along quite nicely. How ...

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Facelift Friday! standard

For those of you who have not noticed yet, the website has gotten a much needed update! For those of you who have been around here for a while, you will remember that the last time I did something was in 2009, right before the 2nd edition of the book published (4th edition coming soon!). Quite a bit has happened since then, including new design styles and ways to present information. I contacted Spellbrand to help put a fresh look on things! All of the old information is still here, it’s just presented a bit differently. You will also notice that I will be updating my Herding Cats column as well as I got out of habit of doing this ...

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ETA Strategic Leadership Forum standard

It’s that time of year again, and several of us are headed out to this fantastic event put on by ETA. Look me up when you are there so we can chat about some of the interesting events over the last few months. Some of those include: POS Malware Scoping Challenges with PCI DSS 3.0 Apple Pay (and P2PE) Shellshock Side channel attacks on PINs Looking forward to discussing the future of payments with some of the most influential people in the industry! Possibly Related Posts: Top Posts from 2015 October 2015 Roundup September 2015 Roundup August 2015 Roundup June-July 2015 Roundup

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September 2014 Roundup standard

The Orlando community meeting came and went, DerbyCon came and went, and we saw a security vulnerability that rivals Heartbleed . I hope this sets us up for a great discussion in a couple of weeks at the PCI Community Meeting in Orlando! Here’s what you folks liked the most last month: The Only Customer Service Script You Will Ever Need. The economy is humming along quite nicely. How do we know? Because people are getting poor customer service and reading posts like this one. Is customer service is less important now that customers are easiser to come by? Check out this diversion from security that will make you think about how you interact with your customers. Is PCI DSS ...

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SSL Issues with this Blog? standard

Due to Google’s policy change that all certificates must be signed with a minimum of SHA256, I recently replaced the cert on this site. Some of you have let me know that SSL errors were popping up. One was due to a missed “https” on the MailChimp signup form, the other was due to Symantec (VeriSign)’s new root cert that is also signed using SHA256. If you are currently using a certificate on your SSL site that is signed using the SHA-1 algorithm, you should consider replacing that cert soon. Chrome will soon be configured to warn users going to those sites about the weak signature. Enterprise customers, this is going to be as painful as Heartbleed if you had ...

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August 2014 Roundup standard

We wrapped up the survival tips for young (and sometimes experienced) professionals series and got back to information security! While you are all still very interested in getting great customer service, my posts on the effectiveness of PCI DSS also made the rounds this time around. I hope this sets us up for a great discussion in a couple of weeks at the PCI Community Meeting in Orlando! Here’s what you folks liked the most last month: The Only Customer Service Script You Will Ever Need. The economy is humming along quite nicely. How do we know? Because people are getting poor customer service and reading posts like this one. Is customer service is less important now that customers are ...

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July 2014 Roundup standard

This month has been a departure from the norm as we discussed some of the survival tips that young (and sometimes experienced) professionals lack—hurting their advancement and survival opportunities. Once again, you are all very interested in customer service, how you define cardholder data, and the fun economics of the Starbucks gift card (which is still growing at a great clip). Here’s what you guys liked the most last month. The Only Customer Service Script You Will Ever Need. The economy is humming along quite nicely. How do we know? Because people are getting poor customer service and reading posts like this one. Is customer service is less important now that customers are easiser to come by? Check out this ...

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June 2014 Roundup standard

So it’s been a full month of hardcore blogging (you know, cause two posts per week is pretty hardcore). Once again, you are all very interested in customer service, how you define cardholder data, and the fun economics of the Starbucks gift card. Maybe all this World Cup fever has you curious? On a side note, I’d like to wish my employer a Happy 25th Birthday! As a corporate entity, it can now finally rent cars ALL BY ITSELF! Here’s what you guys liked the most last month. The Only Customer Service Script You Will Ever Need. The economy is humming along quite nicely. How do we know? Because people are getting poor customer service and reading posts like this ...

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