Stay Classy, San Diego!

Stay Classy, San Diego!

November was a light month around here, and for good reason. I touched three continents and we took the kids to Disney. Then came the holidays and there was just too much going on to blog!

That said, the show must go on! The latest edition of our book finally hit the shelves. Thanks for sending pictures of you with your new books! If you need to order your copy, head over to the website at

Here’s what you folks liked the most last month:

  1. The Only Customer Service Script You Will Ever Need. The economy is humming along quite nicely. How do we know? Because people are getting poor customer service and reading posts like this one. Is customer service is less important now that customers are easiser to come by? Check out this diversion from security that will make you think about how you interact with your customers.
  2. How Starbucks is Revolutionizing Mobile (Micro) Payments. This one was pretty popular last year, and it is still making waves in 2014. You know how you see those crazy fools that pass their phone in front of some magical sensor at Starbucks and never seem to pull out their wallet, yet walk away with coffee? That is really part of a huge master plan to reduce the impact that payments has on the organization. Check out the scenarios discussed!
  3. The Definition of Cardholder Data. Yet another powerhouse that is keeping on top of the links. It’s still on people’s minds, probably because they are looking for ways to drop systems out of scope of PCI DSS, or because they are looking at the new eCommerce guidance from the Council. Hopefully this is a good benchmark for you.
  4. There Are No Unicorns. Part of the DevOps movement labels a certain class of company as a Unicorn. I think the label is misleading. Read more to find out why.
  5. How To Make a Mobile App Comply with PCI DSS. Even though this is an old post, it periodically pops its way back into the top charts.

Thanks for stopping by!

This post originally appeared on

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