It’s holiday season and things are coming to a close for the year. It was an interesting one, for sure! I wanted to take a few minutes to tell you about some of the top posts in 2012.

  • Equilibrium: force, by felipe_gabaldon

    Equilibrium: force, by felipe_gabaldon

    Ever wonder what will probably cause you to have a breach? This post discusses the top five reasons why PCI DSS breaches occur.

  • This year I offered a detailed review of specific requirements (I’m still willing to do this if people have specific ones they want reviewed… email me), and here is the top one.
  • The debate on PCI DSS often focuses on things we need to add to the standard, but I suggest that there are things we can remove. Check out this post for ideas.
  • Mystery shopper scams have been around for a long time, but it seems like this year they got a bit more aggressive. Check out this post for details and evidence.

And with that, I’d like to wish you all a very happy holiday season! I will catch you in 2013!

This post originally appeared on

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