My Sunset over Cozumel

My Sunset over Cozumel

Yep, it’s true.  Today is my last day at AT&T/VeriSign where I’ve absolutely enjoyed the last six years of my career.

I started thinking back to the last job I left. It was an internet service provider that was local to Dallas (long since gone belly up and litigated to pieces).  It was my second job while building one of those small, two man dot-com start-ups in the mid 1990s.  I left the job in 1998 when we sold our startup.  That’s just over eleven years ago! I’ve been with Guardent/VeriSign/AT&T for six years. Prior to that I was with the investment company that acquired our little startup in 1998 until management decided to unwind it.

Things are moving fast.  I accepted a new position with a prominent security company to run their global security consulting business.  I’ve got a ton of work on several projects that I need to do immediately upon starting, so I’ll announce my new employer more formally in the coming weeks.  If you are somehow sneaky enough to get an advance copy of the book (which hits the shelves on December 15), my bio inside is accurate and lists my new employer (or you can reach out to me and I will fill you in on the details).

Look for TONS of exciting news in the next few weeks!

This post originally appeared on

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