It’s official, I was selected as Payment Security Professional of the Year by the Society of Payment Security Professionals!
The Society has gained a ton of momentum in the industry and launched their two excellent certifications, the Certified Payment-card Industry Security Manager (CPISM), and Certified Payment-card Industry Auditor (CPISA). If you are looking to get into this industry, or work for a company subject to PCI compliance and have responsibility for PCI, you should have these certifications.
This training is better than the training that we receive as QSAs for a few reasons, but mainly because it covers a much wider base than just PCI-DSS. Anyone that has heard me speak about the negatives associated with a breach and/or non-compliance has heard me say that PCI is not the scariest thing out there. The training covers those scarier items in addition to the basics of PCI.
Thank YOU to all that nominated me and thank YOU to the board for selecting me! I am extremely flattered to be selected for this award!
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