Are you a service provider frustrated with the steps you have to go through to become listed on Visa’s global list of PCI DSS validated service providers?  The process of getting listed when you are not a member or a direct agent of a member seems clouded and painful, until now!

High Five Everyone! 56/365, by SashaW

High Five Everyone! 56/365, by SashaW

Visa recently added a very detailed Third-Party Agent (TPA) section to the Risk Management section of their website that details exactly what needs to be done to be listed on the site.  If that were not enough, there is a fantastic FAQ in PDF form that you can take with you wherever you go.

As part of this change, Visa eliminated all of the old classifications like Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs), Third Party Servicers (TPSs), Encryption and Support Organizations (ESOs), and Merchant Servicers (MSs), though that terminology is still used to describe services provided by a TPA.

If you fall into this TPA category, check out that FAQ document.  There is a step by step process listed there that will guide you through this new process!

This post originally appeared on

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