Categories ArchivesPCI

Visa Clarifies Scanning Requirements for Level 1-3 Merchants standard

In a website posting yesterday, Visa clarified on their Merchants page the requirements around quarterly network scans. From their site…. The Quarterly Network Security Scan is an automated tool that checks systems for vulnerabilities. It conducts a non-intrusive scan to remotely review networks and Web applications based in the externally-facing Internet Protocol (IP) address provided by the merchant. Acquirers are responsible for ensuring that the quarterly network security scans required of their levels 1, 2, and 3 merchants are performed by an Approved Scanning Vendor. The Quarterly Network Security Scan is applicable to merchants with externally-facing IP addresses as specified by their acquirer. Quarterly Network Security Scans are not required of merchants that do not have externally-facing IP addresses. We’ve ...

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2 Weeks Later, the shock wearing off yet? standard

Two weeks ago, we released our recent study on why companies are failing PCI. We based our report findings on 60 recent PCI assessments involving 50 different large companies. Since then, there have been multiple media outlets that have picked up and commented on the report. One in particular I’d like to review is an article by TechTarget (which interestingly enough, now has a new title). When Keith Gosselin of the Biddeford Savings Bank in Maine was told that our report showed that nearly half of the companies are failing requirement 11.2 (quarterly scanning), he stated, “It surprises me how high that number is.” I think this was a big shocker for us as well, but after letting the shock ...

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PCI News Flash! Visa posts compliant merchant percentages! standard

In an effort to continue to boost compliance, Visa USA is now publishing a report that details their merchant compliance by level. According to my contacts inside Visa USA, this list will be updated on a monthly basis. We are all expecting the numbers of compliant Level 1 & 2 merchants to increase as fine deadlines approach. Possibly Related Posts: PCI DSS 4.0 Released plus BOOK DETAILS! PCI Council Loses $600K in Revenue, PO Population on the Decline Why PCI DSS 4.0 Needs to be a Complete Rewrite Orfei Steps Down Should you be a PCI Participating Organization?

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PCI News Flash! PCI-SSC adds PED Security Requirements standard

The PCI-SSC announced today (ok, the date says Tuesday, but it was not posted until this morning) that they are adding PIN Entry Device (PED) security requirements into their domain of responsibility. Possibly Related Posts: PCI DSS 4.0 Released plus BOOK DETAILS! PCI Council Loses $600K in Revenue, PO Population on the Decline Why PCI DSS 4.0 Needs to be a Complete Rewrite Orfei Steps Down Should you be a PCI Participating Organization?

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Visa Issues Eliminating Cardholder Data Brief standard

Late last night (well for me in Central time), Visa posted a new brief on their CISP website regarding eliminating the storage of prohibited cardholder data. Essentially, this is just another data brief explaining how to look for and remove prohibited data. Prohibited data as defined by the PCI Data Security Standards, Requirement 3.2, includes such things as CVV/CVC Data (as found in the magnetic stripe of the card), CVV2/CVC2/CAV2/CID (3 or 4 digit code in the signature panel or front of the card), and the PIN or PIN Block. According to the brief, there has been a number of compromises recently where prohibited data was stored. For more strategies on eliminating cardholder data, please read my paper entitled “More ...

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PCI Requirement 8, what about Administrator accounts? standard

I had a customer ask me if they had to make the Administrator account/password comply with Requirement 8 of the PCI Standards. Requirement 8 deals with assigning a unique ID to each person with computer access to those systems dealing with cardholder data. Specifically, no generic or shared accounts should be used–especially those that are administrators! The answer is YES, they must comply with the requirements. What does that mean from an operational standpoint? We see customers attack this from various angles. For those corporate systems, they are typically just disabling the Administrator account, and putting special alerting in place to see if it is ever used (as in something bad is happening, go deploy the calvary). In the case ...

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WDOCD: Secure Tape Destruction standard

For our VERY FIRST installment of “What Do Other Companies Do” (WDOCD), Randy Smith has asked the following: “What specifications do other companies require for Secure Tape Destruction (especially for older tapes that could have pre-encryption account number data). To my understanding PCI does not provide a specification. What standard seems to be “secure enough” for older tapes potentially with unencrypted data? Do you feel that standard is OK to relax when all the account number data is encrypted?” Excellent question Randy! Virtually every company we work with has some sort of destruction policy for media, and it varies from using a bulk eraser, to pulling out the DeWalt and drilling a hole right through it (yes, one company we ...

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More Strategies for Eliminating Cardholder Data standard

Greetings folks. My new article entitles “More Strategies for Eliminating Cardholder Data” has now been published on the VeriSign website. This is an expansion of my previous article which primarily relied on Hashing. Based on clarifications from the card associations, hashing is not a silver bullet (do you know of any that are?) and hashed data is still considered cardholder data. The real risk is that rainbow tables can be created if someone knows how the hash is created. Since the keyspace is so small, the rainbow table creation is rapid. This article expands that and takes a more holistic approach to data elimination and talks about many other strategies. It does not address the culture shift question that someone ...

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Visa Slows Compliance Acceleration Program’s Penalties standard

eWeek is reporting that Visa has announced it is relaxing the fine and fee deadline of September 30th. Essentially, what this means for non-compliant merchants is that the proposed interchange rate hikes are lessened to simply say that non-compliant merchants will not be eligible for the “best available” tiered interchange rates. However, non-compliant retailers are still facing costs potentially in the millions by not being able to qualify for lower rates during the ever important holiday shopping season. Possibly Related Posts: PCI DSS 4.0 Released plus BOOK DETAILS! PCI Council Loses $600K in Revenue, PO Population on the Decline Why PCI DSS 4.0 Needs to be a Complete Rewrite Orfei Steps Down Should you be a PCI Participating Organization?

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