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Hello Chicago!! standard

I’m sitting in the Starbucks (a.k.a., my mobile office with thousands of locations world wide) on Ohio and State in Chicago preparing for our event this evening. I am moderating a round table discussion with some prominent industry experts around PCI, one of which is the venerable security pundit Anton Chuvakin. If you have a minute, please go read his recent post from his panel in Denver last night. He posed a very interesting question that I think we will be posing to our audience tonight! Check it out! Possibly Related Posts: Top Posts from 2015 October 2015 Roundup September 2015 Roundup August 2015 Roundup June-July 2015 Roundup

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Don’t forget to Vote! standard

The Bloggers at RSA are doing awards this year! The Social Security Awards need your nominations. Your nominations are due by March 31, so go vote now! As a reminder, what you need to do to vote is as follows. Go to the link above, then click Next. Under the Most Entertaining Security Blog, put my name, the url ( and that you think I’m WACKY! Possibly Related Posts: Top Posts from 2015 October 2015 Roundup September 2015 Roundup August 2015 Roundup June-July 2015 Roundup

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Time to get caught up! standard

I’ve been lazy lately. Well, not lazy, just busy. I forgot to put up links to the Feb edition of Herding Cats! This one is entitled, Cloud Computing is Heavy, where I throw a little spin on the security of Cloud Computing. Fun stuff. Also, look for an upcoming surprise in the next issue of the ISSA Journal! Possibly Related Posts: Top Posts from 2015 October 2015 Roundup September 2015 Roundup August 2015 Roundup June-July 2015 Roundup

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New Data Sheet on PCI Program Management standard

Ever wonder how you can bulls eye the moving target that is PCI? It’s possible! Many of our customers are rolling out our program to do this. You have often heard me talk about our PCI Program Management service that was developed based on our customers asking for ways to sustain compliance and security between assessments. BitPipe now has our PCI Program Management Services data sheet available for download. Go check it out! Possibly Related Posts: PCI DSS 4.0 Released plus BOOK DETAILS! PCI Council Loses $600K in Revenue, PO Population on the Decline Why PCI DSS 4.0 Needs to be a Complete Rewrite Orfei Steps Down Should you be a PCI Participating Organization?

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Happy Holidays to you and yours! standard

2008 is almost done and the next two weeks hold some of my favorite times of the year. This is my last post for 2008, but don’t stray too far! I have lined up some excellent guest posts for you over the next two weeks. Before I let you go, I wanted to list for you the top X favorite posts from this year. These are posts that I enjoyed writing and in many cases caused some of you to reach out and chat with me! If you are a new reader to this blog, take a tour down memory lane with me! In no particular order, they are: The NRF Goes Past Where The Sidewalk Ends DNS, Schmee-enn-ess The ...

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An upcoming treat! standard

As a preview for next month’s Herding Cats, I decided to take a suggestion from a colleague and turn it into a column. We’re going to explore Hizver’s Insecurity in Large Numbers Theorum! Think you are safe in a crowd? Think again! Think that your company is too small to be noticed or targeted? Danger is afoot! Without ruining the punchline, consider this. Let’s say you work for a large company with a few thousand employees. Each one has at least one Microsoft Windows device assigned to them. Remember the emergency patch from last month? Are you 100% confident that every single last one of those devices was patched? Also, another preview… All previous versions of Herding Cats will be ...

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Win a free pass to CSI2008 in DC! standard

Thanks to the Security Blogger’s Network, I am pleased to offer one free pass to CSI 2008 in DC! You will need to put some thought into your entry as this is not just some easy give away. To enter into this contest, all you need to do is email me your favorite security related story. Something that you saw that was clearly a huge security problem. Like if you saw a metal detector in a building that was maybe turned off, or maybe a NEXT box running an e-commerce web server in the last year. Here are the rules: All entries must be received via email by Thursday, November 6th, 5PM Central time. One entry per person. Your entry ...

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October Herding Cats and Off to Brussels! standard

Greetings folks! Couple of updates in this post. October’s Herding Cats is up and ready for you to read! Pretty soon here I will be setting up a URL where you can download all the published versions of this column regardless of your membership status with the ISSA. Need a little time though baby birds. Until then, members of the ISSA can download the most recent version here. As you can tell, I have been reading a lot of James Patterson recently. Sorry about that. Also, if you are going to be at the PCI Europe Community Meeting this week, look me up! I’ll be wheels down in Brussels on Tuesday in time for the networking session. I am looking ...

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Where’s Brando? standard

Down Undero! Finally made it down here and nobody down here has said “G’day Mate!” or offered me shrimp on the barbie. So disappointed. Anyway… If you are in Sydney, shoot me an email and we’ll do a pub crawl! Possibly Related Posts: Top Posts from 2015 October 2015 Roundup September 2015 Roundup August 2015 Roundup June-July 2015 Roundup

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The Land of Oz standard

No, Toto is not coming. I’m referring to Australia! I’ll be making a trek down under in August to discuss PCI with banks and merchants alike. If you are in the area and want to meet up, please drop me an email! Hope to see you there! Possibly Related Posts: Top Posts from 2015 October 2015 Roundup September 2015 Roundup August 2015 Roundup June-July 2015 Roundup

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