Monthly ArchivesFebruary 2017

More EMV Bypass Fun standard

So I’m sitting here in San Diego, which we all know is German for… never mind. As I pay for my lunch, I present my chip card and there is some kind of error. I know I entered my PIN correctly, but it immediately came back as failed. The bartender taught me a neat trick that I am sure we all need to be aware of as people capture magstripes and write them to new cards. “Oh, no problem on bypassing that. Just turn the card around and insert it, it will fail, and you can swipe!” The Verifone VX-675 terminal this place used detected that a card was inserted without a valid chip read, and immediately told me to ...

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PCI Compliance, Version 3.2 Now Available! standard

Well folks, it’s finally here. What started as an experiment back in April has finally come to fruition. I’m happy to announce that PCI Compliance, Version 3.2 is NOW AVAILABLE! If you order via the CreateSpace bookstore, please use coupon code 4JRH748R for $2 off through the RSA Conference. You can also order it via Amazon here. For those who want to get the e-Book, it will be available in Kindle format by February 15 (same link as above). As always, huge thank you to all of you out there who keep the conversation going! Possibly Related Posts: pgMail 1.5 Released! Let’s Encrypt for non-webservers When Man Pages Go Weird Aviation Apps I Use Sellers Buying 5-Star Amazon Reviews

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