Monthly ArchivesFebruary 2015

The Impacts of Breaches: New Research! standard

Part of the reason why I went through the enlightening process of my third run through academia as a learner was to be able to contribute research back to the field. I’m happy to announce that my first paper is now public for download. Available for download through the Merchant Acquirers’ Committee is this piece that examines the economic impacts of breaches entitled, The Impacts of Breaches: A Survey of MAC Members on the Realities of Data Breaches. In it, I reveal research that helps to explain some of the economic realities of breaches. Here’s a preview, it’s not as bad as you probably think! I’ve also built an academic manuscript for this paper which goes into much more detail ...

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Life Saving Aviation Tips Applied to InfoSec standard

I came across this humorous little collection of life saving aviation quotes. As a pilot, it’s good to have these little quips tucked away for when things move away from straight and level. A good friend of mine pointed out that he often used one of these quotes in InfoSec-related keynotes he gave, and I thought I’d share some here with InfoSec commentary! Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. When the proverbial crap his the fan, information security professionals may be the key to keeping a company safe (or the catalyst to a bad situation) from a data loss. As a pilot, when things go wrong you have to remember to fly the plane, navigate it to a safe place, and tell controllers ...

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January 2015 Roundup standard

January is gone and football is over. There have not been too many posts around here to speak of, but it’s a new year! I will have good news soon, so stay tuned! Don’t forget, the latest edition of our book finally hit the shelves. Thanks for sending pictures of you with your new books! If you need to order your copy, head over to the website at Here’s what you folks liked the most last month: The Only Customer Service Script You Will Ever Need. It’s the holidays, and possibly the time when we encounter trouble with transactions the most. Thus, more people inquiring about customer service! Check out this diversion from security that will make you think ...

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