PCI is still a hotly debated topic nearly four and a half years after its initial release on December 15, 2004. You didn’t have to visit too many after hours parties or exhibitors at RSA to see that.
Most of the criticism of PCI comes from people who really don’t understand it, or understand how to use it to their advantage. And those people fall into two categories themselves; those who are green to PCI and are overwhelmed, and those who love their soap box.
Those in the former bucket just need time to get up to speed. PCI, like Rome, was not built overnight, and it requires weeks of study to fully grasp how it will affect your environment. There is training available from a couple of industry sources, though my personal preference is that any training on payment security should not stop at PCI. I have a solution for the card companies to address the latter group directly, but more importantly, address the industry at large to demonstrate that you really do focus on information security.
I propose that the founding members of the council (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover, and JCB) consider two ways to demonstrate PCI Compliance. The first of which is to complete the PCI DSS just like they would do today. Nothing new there.
Here’s the twist.
The second method should be met by demonstrating a mature ISO 27000 security program, potentially certified under BSI America. That serves two purposes. The first purpose is to accomplish the intent of PCI DSS, protecting the data. The second is to combat the nay-sayers who say things like “I can’t wait until this PCI crap is over so I can get back to security ((This is an ACTUAL QUOTE from one of my retail contacts!)).” In reality, those nay-sayers were doing a poor job at security before by only focusing on problems that interested them, not ones that were in the best interest of the customers, shareholders, and employees of the company.
If the card brands gave merchants and service providers the option, I think you would see the majority choosing PCI DSS, and only the most savvy choosing the ISO route. The best thing is that the card brands could fight the fires on two fronts. They can continue to coddle the laggards, and improve corporate information security for those that wish it. Most security professional agree (four out of five dentists?) that PCI is not the scariest thing out there, by FAR. But if you use what you learn from PCI and improve upon its required baseline, you can use the ankle-biting nature of PCI to also subdue his bigger, more ornery cousins PII and the State Data Breach Laws ((Sounds like a great name for a band!)).
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