Monthly ArchivesJanuary 2024

Ten Things Companies Get Wrong About CIAM standard

Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) is a core component of creating your digital user experience. If you are unfamiliar with Customer Identity and Access Management, it is the process by which companies grant access to their digital assets (like websites, mobile apps, and even chatbots) to their customers, as well as controlling what those customers can access. The idea is to ensure the right person or process has access to the right applications and information at the right time while being risk and context aware. In a previous role, I was responsible for a complete CIAM modernization at a large bank. More recently, I modernized an entire IAM system for the premier identity company. In both cases, my guiding ...

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Protect Yourself and Freeze Your Credit standard

Breaches are never ending, and if you have not already put freezes on your credit reports, make a late New Year’s resolution and do it now. There are a couple of steps you will need to take for each of the four bureaus (yes four). Before you freeze, get in a habit of requesting your report annually. Some bureaus partner with apps you can use as well (such as Credit Karma, Credit Sesame) that are free to download and set up. You want to make sure nobody opened a line of credit in your name without you knowing. One thing you need to know about freezing your credit report is anytime you take an action that requires a hard inquiry, ...

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