Monthly ArchivesDecember 2015

Dear Santa, 2015 standard

Lots of time for reflection and requests during this time of year. For those that recognize the elf-herder named Santa, what do you wish for this year? Did you have any infosec wishes? I have one, and the awesome folks at SecureWorld Expo included me in their series for 2015. Go check out my Santa wish for 2015! Need some levity in your office? Check out this call back to a great Steve Martin skit where he discusses his Christmas wishes (transcript). Possibly Related Posts: When Man Pages Go Weird Aviation Apps I Use Sellers Buying 5-Star Amazon Reviews Introducing Where To Now Brando’s Rules for Success

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WiFi Risks and Travel standard

Holiday travel is about to be in full swing for the holidays, and we’re all going to be wading in dangerous waters as we seek WiFi to keep ourselves and our kids occupied while we move around. Paul Ducklin just put together a great blog post on Naked Security about a risk you should be aware of when connecting to these networks. He specifically talks about unsecured requests for information before you are allowed to reach the Internet. There are a couple of other scary things you should be aware of: Don’t forget that open, free, and no-password-required WiFi is about as wild west as you can get. When you connect to these networks, anything you do that is not encrypted ...

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The Privacy Plug-in You Need standard

Sometimes I’m a bit behind the times on all this new fangled technology stuffs, so I wanted to make sure that everyone else knew that I caught up to 2015 and installed Ghostery. Ghostery is a cross-platform browser plugin that will help you select which tracking networks you want to participate in and which ones you want to block. If y0u have ever been annoyed by countless ads for some product that you Googled late one Saturday night that one time, this is a product for you. Here are my two reasons for keeping this installed on my machines: It allows me to selectively whitelist both certain ad networks and certain sites. So, for example, if I want to support ...

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