Monthly ArchivesJune 2015

Is the Council Trying to Kill the QSA Program? standard

If you can believe, it has been nearly seven years since the last update to the Qualification Requirements for Qualified Security Assessors (QSAs). This document is the guide that assessors use in their business dealings with the Council. It explains how a firm can become a QSA Company, who is qualified to be a QSA employee, and how the ecosystem works around that whole group. The changes are quite substantial, as evidenced by the change log. The last entry, for 1.2, simply stated alignment issues with PCI DSS v1.2. This version has nineteen entries, including alignment with PCI DSS v3.1. I’m not going to review all the changes here, but I do want to highlight a couple of big changes. ...

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May 2015 Roundup standard

It finally happened last month. In May, North Texas set a record for being the wettest may on record. For those of you who have been watching from afar, check out this great infographic that shows how much 35 trillion gallons of water will cover. In other news, we had a major breach that is having bigger impacts than many realize, we are seeing the first reports and fall-out from PCI DSS 3.1, and key provisions of the Patriot Act expired. Here’s what you folks liked the most last month: The Only Customer Service Script You Will Ever Need. Maybe the economy is heating up? Who knows why this one is still at the top. Regardless, more people inquiring about ...

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