Monthly ArchivesDecember 2014

What am I missing? Outsource payments today! standard

I always enjoy meeting with colleagues in the industry as I learn something every time. I’ve had a chat with a few of you out there and I’m trying to figure out why more companies continue to insource their payment processing and complain about PCI DSS and breaches as opposed to just outsourcing. Thinking back to some of the challenges in previous jobs, I may have helped answer it thanks to a conversation yesterday morning. All providers of IT services want their customers to integrate their product or service into internal IT systems. It creates stickiness and makes it hard to change vendors. Tools like anti-virus, DLP, SIEM, and knowledge management platforms that achieve some level of integration rarely are ...

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November 2014 Roundup standard

November was a light month around here, and for good reason. I touched three continents and we took the kids to Disney. Then came the holidays and there was just too much going on to blog! That said, the show must go on! The latest edition of our book finally hit the shelves. Thanks for sending pictures of you with your new books! If you need to order your copy, head over to the website at Here’s what you folks liked the most last month: The Only Customer Service Script You Will Ever Need. The economy is humming along quite nicely. How do we know? Because people are getting poor customer service and reading posts like this one. Is ...

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