Monthly ArchivesOctober 2013

Have a free month of SlideZip Unlimited! standard

Yep, we just pushed some fun new features to SlideZip, so I figured that we could create an offer to celebrate! Right now, the first 20 people to upgrade to an Unlimited account can get a free month with this coupon code: FreeMonthOct2013. Free is great! Also, we now have support for conferences (with multiple logins which could be for separate tracks or satellite locations)! Possibly Related Posts: pgMail 1.5 Released! Let’s Encrypt for non-webservers When Man Pages Go Weird Aviation Apps I Use Sellers Buying 5-Star Amazon Reviews

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EMV vs the UPT, Can We Fix the #FAIL? standard

Update Nov 4, 2013: I was in the UK last week and it looks like the Underground has fixed their terminals to allow the use of the chip at a UPT! This is great news. My guess is there is some upper limit to what can be accepted without signature and it is now implemented. Well, it has struck again. Remember how I told you guys about some of my EMV experiences now that I have a card with the chip in it? Well, it struck again… but not in the place y0u might think! I’m here in Salt Lake City, Utah, and I decided to take advantage of the lovely public transit (UTA) by hopping on the light rail ...

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