I’ve been writing Herding Cats for over a year now, and with all this talk about DLP, I wanted to dust off my FIRST EVER Herding Cats.
Have you ever wanted to see if sensitive data your company protects exists outside of designated areas? Maybe you are looking for Personally Identifiable Information (PII), intellectual property, or cardholder data that might be sitting around in flat files. I suggest turning to Grep ((http://www.gnu.org/software/grep)), a GNU searching tool that is included on most Unix-based operating systems (and there are MS ports)!
Grep can use the power of regular expressions to quickly search for patterns in files. The results obtained will help you triage data leakage that may occur through the normal course of business.
I was recently working with a customer who found additional consumer information in batch files received from a financial institution. I am not talking about the consumer’s hair color or meal preference. I am talking about their social security numbers. Our customer had no idea they were receiving this information, and yet they would likely be liable for its disclosure if a breach occurred.
The method described below is not foolproof; however, it will find the majority of files containing sensitive data.
It will not reliably (without additional tweaking) find information encoded inside binaries or database files, but you can use it to look through compressed files ((To do this, you need to use ‘zgrep’.)) and flat files.
Let’s say you wanted to take a cursory look at data that could contain social security numbers. Your grep command would look like ((You may have slight syntax differences in your regular expressions. Non-maintained versions of operating systems need not apply.)):
grep -rl "[[:digit:]]\{3\}[-,[: space:]]\?[[:digit:]]\{2\}[-,[: space:]]\?[[:digit:]]\{4\}" / > files-to-triage
In this command, we are recursively (-r) looking for any file that has nine digits in a row, with or without delimiters, and listing those filenames (-l) into a file called files-to-triage. After doing some test runs with this, I discovered that this will match quite a few files that do not have any of this data, but I think I could filter those out pretty quickly.
What if you wanted to look for stray cardholder data? To find most variations of valid cardholder data (apologies if I missed any) that would occur in a solid string of numbers or blocks of four separated by dashes or spaces, you would type:
grep -rl "\(\(4[[: digit:]]\{3\}\)\|\(5[1-5][[: digit:]]\{2\}\)\|\(6011\)\)[-,[: space:]]\?[[:digit:]]\{4\}[-,[: space:]]\?[[:digit:]]\{4\}[-,[: space:]]\?[[:digit:]]\{4\}\|3[4,7][[: digit:]]\{13\}\|3[0,6,8][[: digit:]]\{12\}" / | mail -s "Sensitive Data Report for `uname -a`" sensitive_data_reporting@company.com
This is what it looks like to write a regular expression that will search for most known types of credit card data. Regular expressions look like a work of art when viewed by the trained eye, but like hieroglyphics for the rest of us.
But what is that new fancy piece on the end? Say you wanted to run this regularly and email it to a report gathering mailbox. Provided your server has the mail program installed and its communication with a mail server is not blocked by firewall rules, this may be possible.
The automation can get pretty sophisticated from here. You could enhance the regular expression more or further parse the output to remove false positives, have the information dropped into a database or aggregate report on a daily basis with scripts, or simply just run it on a schedule from cron.
Now keep in mind, this is not a foolproof approach, nor the most efficient way to search for these types of data. There are several commercial packages on the market today to choose from that will do what you see above, and much more. But if you are looking for a starting point to see if you have a problem, using open source tools like Grep can be a cost-efficient way to see how deep the hole really goes.
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